
The donation bin at St. Peter High School was overflowing, and many of you contacted me in the last few days to clean this up. Charities have stopped accepting donations. My staff and I began reaching out to our trusted community partners for help. Meanwhile, I worked with bylaw and Ottawa Catholic Schools (OCSB) Trustee Brian Coburn to ensure we could deal with the matter as quickly as possible.

Le Mission Thrift Store Orleans s’est porté volontaire pour aider notre communauté et nous nous sommes mis au travail pour avoir les permissions nécéssaires. La même journée, l’équipe du Mission sont sur place pour nettoyer les lieux. Malhereusement, aucun objet n’a plus être récupéré ou recyclé à cause de la pluie et la neige des derniers jours.

Folks, this is what community service looks like. I’m thankful for their selfless effort to keep Orléans clean and help in this difficult time. Working together like this is what building our community is all about. Chapeau!



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