
There has been much discussion online, calls and emails to my office. I hear you and wanted to add details:
I received the package many of you have received, and I feel that the way information is laid out to be confusing and suggestive that this is a mandatory program. It is NOT. There is a very strong chance that your home insurance already covers this service. I would encourage you to check with your insurance if this service is already being provided to you. If it is, disregard and dispose of the letter. If it is not, you may wish to get a quote to have it included in your plan and weigh the decision to opt in or not. Every family is in a different position and this program may or may not make sense for you. But again, this is not a mandatory program, and you are not compelled to respond.
En 2016, avant mon arrivée à l’Hôtel de ville comme votre représentant du Quartier 1 Orléans, le conseil a pris la décision de s’associer avec l’Association des municipalités de l’Ontario (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) et Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC) pour offrir aux propriétaires de résidence à Ottawa des plans de protection, optionelle (Important!), pour les aider à assumer les coûts de réparation associés à leurs conduites de branchement d’eau et d’égout ou de fosse septique. La compagnie a aussi reçu l’autorisation d’utiliser le logo de la Ville d’Ottawa. Même si la première décision semblait innofensive et peut-être même novatrice, je crois que d’accorder la permission d’utiliser le logo était une mauvaise décision qui, maintenant, sème la confusion parmis nos résidents. Pour être clair: le Conseil ne pouvait pas savoir que le logo serait utilisé de cette manière et je ne le blâme pas.
What I find upsetting is the layout of the package. While it explicitly says that no public funds were used and that the City is simply a partner, I feel the letter is made to look very official – almost like a property tax bill. I find this misleading. I have raised this with the Auditor General, with the Clerk of City of Ottawa and with the Mayor. My colleagues Laura Dudas, Catherine Kitts, Tim Tierney and I will continue to pursue this to ensure this does not happen again. I do not want to see our logo used in a way this suggestive. I am worried that seniors or new Canadians may decide to opt in out of fear or confusion. This bothers me deeply and I find it completely unacceptable.
Tandis qu’il est important de remettre en question ce que vous lisez ou recevez à la poste des sources que vous ne connaissez pas, la Ville d’Ottawa ne devrais pas figurer à cette liste. Nous sommes un partenaire de confiance. Le logo de la Ville d’Ottawa représente l’institution municipale. Ce n’est pas une image qui devrais être partagé, circulé sans freins, contrepoids et un plan de commication clair, net et précis. De faire autrement est irresponsable.
I want to thank everyone who has written or called in about this. I take it very seriously and will use this as an opportunity to encourage you to take a fresh look at your insurance, what it covers and what it doesn’t and to seek advice from a professional on these matters.
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